Saturday, February 14, 2009

Luck of the Draw

Hello to all. My name is Anthony J Cardieri and I was hoping that you'd like to take a ride with me on the road to publication of my novel Luck of the Draw. It comes out through St. Martin's Press in December of this year, 2009. My road so far has been quite an interesting one, one that is filled with fantastic breaks and the kind of dumb luck not usually found with authors of majorly-published novels. Let me tell you a little about Luck of the Draw. It is a crafty murder-mystery/crime novel that should please all kinds of readers. It takes place solely in the city of New York, where I was born, raised, and still call home. I was careful to write the book in such a way that it would appeal to the everyday reader as well as the most astute reader. I don't waste the reader's time with nonsensical filler that would add pages to the book. I tell the story with much prose yet keep it suspensful enough that the reader will stay enticed until the end. After all, you're going to want to know who did it, right? Well, try to guess. I don't think you'll figure it out before I tell you. You won't figure out how the killer is choosing his victims either. But when I do let you know, you'll be like, "Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I can see that happening." The story is straight up, right in your face stuff. There is nothing outlandish that would detract from the story. I hate when other authors waste my time with nonsense that would NEVER happen in the real world just to end a story on his own terms. It is way unsatisfying to have that happen. I won't do that to you. When it comes out, grab a copy. And email me as you go along. I will be happy to have regular conversations or answer any questions for anyone who has them. I am not one of those world-famous authors who believes he is above a relationship with his readers. I am an everyday guy who APPRECIATES talking to his readers. So, how about it? Feel like taking a ride? My addy is Thanks for spending some time with me today. Hope to hear from you. Anthony J Cardieri

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